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The Science Behind Grilling the Perfect Steak

1 Posts
1 Users
Orion Puckett
Posts: 124
Reputable Member
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I don't know if this is the proper forum for this, but I stumbled upon an article talking about the science behind grilling the perfect steak. 

An excerpt:

The biggest influence on the final flavor of that steak, though, is how you cook it. Flavorwise, cooking meat accomplishes two things. First, the heat of the grill breaks the meat’s fatty acids into smaller molecules that are more volatile — that is, more likely to become airborne. These volatiles are responsible for the steak’s aroma, which accounts for the majority of its flavor. Molecules called aldehydes, ketones and alcohols among that breakdown mix are what we perceive as distinctively beefy.

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Posted : 25/06/2021 4:30 am